06. Knowing
creative self-care
Connecting to intuition through the self-discovery process of collage.
How strong is your connection to your inner-knowing?
Intuition is the process of simply knowing without explanation, analysis, or logical reasoning. It is an innate feeling or longing; a push toward an idea or action. When we are out of sync with this inner-knowing, it can often be due to distractions or manipulations in our every day lives. When our connection to intuition is strong, we’re able to live more aligned with our true selves, bringing about feelings of peace, joy, and purpose.
Art is intuition made visible.
EVENING ritual
Every evening in your journal or sketchbook, reflect on your day using the list of prompts + questions below.
As the weeks go by, take note of patterns that arise.
1. How did you show up as your authentic self?
2. Did you act in ways that weren’t grounded in your truth?
3. What did you give up? A value? An expectation? A dream? A plan?
4. Name two things you appreciated about today.
5. What do you believe your inner voice was telling you?
monthly therapeutic activity: mask making
We all have masks that we wear as we go about our every day lives. They’re made up of complicated beliefs about who we truly are. These beliefs are shaped by how we think people view us as well as what our inner-knowing hints at to be true. Use this therapeutic activity to express yourself + build trust with your intuition.
This art-making practice encourages introspection and activates The Flow state of mind, which soothes the nervous system and allows space for your inner-knowing to become louder. When art is intuitive, it becomes therapeutic.
Materials: Collage images (printed visuals from magazines, used books, wrapping paper, etc.), glue or adhesive, sharp scissors, journal.
Set the tone of your process: Sit in a comfortable position and set a timer for 2-3 minutes. Close your eyes and take slow, fluid breaths. Drop into the sensation of your inhale and exhale.
Set the tone of your process + connect to your intuition (see above).
In your sketchbook, choose two side by side pages and draw mirroring oval shapes on each page. These shapes are your “masks”. They should take up most of the page and look similar to the shape of a face. Label one, Inner World, and the other, Outer World.
Activate your intuition by looking for images that resonate with who you truly feel you are. Thumb through pages of old magazines, search for visuals on the internet (then print them out), find words or phrases from used books, etc. Cut them out and glue them organically into the mask labeled, Inner World. Choose images that your body has a strong, positive reaction to and don’t over-analyze this process.
Do the same as in step 3, compiling and cutting out images that reference how you present yourself to the world or how you believe others perceive you. Glue these images into the mask labeled Outer World.
Once you’ve finished gluing, observe the two masks. On an adjacent page in your sketchbook, reflect on your process as well as your creative expression with the following prompts:
Describe your Inner World and Outer World and how you approached choosing images for each. What similarities and differences are noticeable?
Did you go into the activity referencing one mask as “bad” and the other as “good”?
How does your Inner World reflect your inner-knowing?
What else did you learn about yourself through this process?
Renew your relationship with your inner knowing ⎯
REMOVE THE GUNK: a tool for cleaning your collage
notice new things: the science of mindlessness + mindfulness
integrate your intuition with your career: book a clarity session
Laina Miller is an Artist, Creative Wellness Consultant, and Social Emotional Arts Instructor. All viewpoints, activities, and insights expressed were generated from personal and professional experience and bolstered by favorite readings, teachers, and mentors. The aforementioned have been cited wherever possible. For additional support, please reach out to a trusted mental health advisor.