

By surrendering to our intuition, our truth unfolds through self-expression.


Moment by moment, our intuition is sending us messages. It is up to us, to decide whether we receive this truth or allow an inner dialogue that often involves perfectionism, jealousy, and comparison. Activities that involve self-expression are proven to clarify our inner knowing and strengthen our ability to receive.

Evening Ritual

01. Choose a music album; something you’ve been dying to listen to, an old favorite, or a selection from the list below.
02. Download this Art Meditation and have it accessible.

Ritual: In the evening, set up a quiet space where you’ll be able to tap into The Flow state of mind. Turn on one of the songs from your selected album and draw, color, or paint inside a circle from the Art Meditations page. Allow your strokes to respond to the melody or beat. Notice what comes out on paper and reflect on how the patterns, line work, or colors embody what you hear. At the end of the album, acknowledge the fact that what you created has never been made before and will never be made again. It’s your personal, visual representation of the album brought forth through your intuition.

Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe.

— Claudia Black


We often exist within different parts of ourselves. This art-making activity encourages us to connect to our intuition, receive clear guidance, and identify the part of us who we present to the world versus the person we feel we really are inside.

Collaging by making masks develops introspection and activates The Flow state of mind. This practice soothes the nervous system and allows space for your inner-knowing to become louder. When art is intuitive, it becomes therapeutic.

Materials: Images (printed visuals from magazines, used books, wrapping paper, etc.), glue or tape, sharp scissors, journal, or sketchbook.
Set your space: Sit in a comfortable position and set a timer for 2-3 minutes. Close your eyes and take slow, fluid breaths. Drop into the sensation of your inhale and exhale.

  1. In your sketchbook, choose two side by side pages and draw mirroring oval shapes on each page. These shapes are your “masks”. They should take up most of the page and look similar to the shape of a face. Label one, Inner World, and the other, Outer World.

  2. Activate your intuition by looking for images that resonate with who you truly feel you are. Thumb through pages of old magazines, search for visuals on the internet (then print them out), find words or phrases from used books, etc. Cut them out and glue them organically into the mask labeled, Inner World.

  3. Do the same as in Step 3, compiling and cutting out images that reference how you present yourself to the world or how you believe others perceive you. Glue these images into the mask labeled Outer World.

  4. Once you’ve finished gluing, observe the two masks and jot down any reflections in your sketchbook or journal.

Tools to aid in receiving and expressing our truth



Laina Miller is an Artist, Creative Wellness Consultant, and Social Emotional Arts Instructor. All viewpoints and activities expressed were generated from personal and professional experience and bolstered by favorite mentors, readings, and teachers. The aforementioned have been cited whenever possible. For additional support, please reach out to a trusted mental health advisor.

Some of the links above may be affiliates, which means a small commission is made if you purchase. All products have been authentically chosen with your amusement, education, and enlightenment in mind. The affiliate opportunity is always secondary.