09. Symbols & Synchronicity



creative self-care

By collecting recurring motifs, we notice the signs that arise when we truly observe.



Sometimes a repeating image or motif consistently emerges in life. It can be unexpected, but should be pursued with curiosity. Synchronicities, guides, messages, and teachers in the form of symbols often show up when we are open and observing. They can lead us to our next idea and confirm feelings about wonder and well-being. Acknowledging these symbols through art-making can be a way of igniting your inner knowing and furthering your understanding of your personal myth or story. You may feel that the recurrence of an image or motif is beyond coincidence. Trust your intuition.




The Universe will always be much richer than our ability to understand it.


EVENING ritual

Synchronicity Log
Create a synchronicity log to explore certain symbols that spontaneously show up in your life. At the end of the day, dedicate 20 minutes to logging meaningful images or symbols that stick out in your day. Perhaps a hummingbird has been greeting you regularly in your garden or you dream frequently of traveling to a specific place, or the image of a black crow seems to appear at every turn. Sketch these visuals, then write a description of their possible meaning and/or purpose.


Be alert: there is a second voice, a higher harmonic, adding to and augmenting your inner creative voice. This voice frequently shows itself in synchronicity. Learn to accept the possibility that the universe is helping you with what you are doing.

JULIA CAMERON on Synchronicity, The Artist’s Way


Tune into your surroundings ⎯

discover: sound made visible

observe: the book of symbols

read on:


monthly therapeutic activity: lOOKING FOR SYMBOLS

The therapeutic activity below taps into your imagination and inner knowing. Giving yourself this space for simple creative expression may result in surprising effects. Fresh ideas, solutions to nagging quandaries, or feelings of peace or freedom have been known to arise. (1-patterns from the log 2-patterns found in nature 3-patterns found within)

Materials: Sketchbook, paper of any color, writing tool(s) of any color(s), glue stick or other adhesive.

  1. Reserve time to go on a walk by yourself.

  2. While outside, collect artifacts with interesting patterns or motifs that resonate with you. These can be abstracted from anything. ie; rocks, feathers, leaves, photos of power lines or mountain striations, rusted debris, reflections in rain puddles, humming birds, neroli blossoms, etc.

  3. When you return, turn to a page in your sketchbook and divide the page into three sections that represent a.) spontaneous symbolism b.) symbolism in nature c.) subconscious symbolism.

    a. Spontaneous Symbolism
    In this space, choose one of the visuals from your synchronicity log (see the evening ritual) and illustrate it here.

    b. Symbolism in Nature
    Interpret a pattern or motif that you found on your walk in nature and draw it in the middle section of your page.

    c. Subconscious Symbolism
    Freely scribble into the third section. Really let go and try not to judge yourself. When complete, fill in some of the overlapping parts and notice if any patterns or motifs stand out to you.

4. Reflect on the significance these illustrations have in your life, if any. Do you notice a theme in the images that came up for you? Write your thoughts down in an adjacent page of your sketchbook.

The resulting art depicts different ways in which we are able to tap into our innate creativity, cultivate intuition, and invite synchronicity.


Synchronicity Log — spontaneous symbolism

Scribble Art — subconscious symbolism


Laina Miller is an Artist, Creative Wellness Consultant, and Social Emotional Arts Instructor. All viewpoints, activities, and insights expressed were generated from personal and professional experience and bolstered by favorite readings, teachers, and mentors. The aforementioned have been cited wherever possible. For additional support, please reach out to a trusted mental health advisor.

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